is our decal still on the directory? hahaha. it looked so clean the night of the mos def concert. i felt special. i walked into a group of clapping RAD fellows and fellette. our setup lone ranger after. we eat! stay tuned for pics from the MOS concert. shit was freshhHHHH!!!
last night b. sant and mr. balarcus attended a little function with zion i and mistah fab from the bay headlining the whole fiasco...Lets just say the Bay area know how to rock the crowd right!
with that being said..we cannot wait for the next riverside event...THE HEAT!!
starring.... the mighty MOS DEF
VA's finest..the CLIPSE
and many others...
but most importantly..
RAD crew!!
anywayz...we're super stoked for the show..come support and kick it with us...
have you ever been to csuf? they got these dope ass paintings everywhere. two of my faves are downstairs in the student union. one is of david bowie. and the other is of stevie wonder... go to CSUF!
we had to celebrate a successful second season show. and what better place then our local spot, COCONUT BEEZY. thanks phil for hookin it up with the free thai iced tea.
First and foremost, I want to thank everyone that went to the It's a grind show in diamond bar. Special thanks to the sick ass performers, and to the talented artists that did their thing.
The turnout was 10 times better than expected. We had people from all over the place, Lond Beach, San Diego, Rowland, Chino Hills, Fullerton... everywhere!!! here's some pics from the show... Hopefully we got a snap of YOU.